
The closing event of the RESuME project, the conference of 24 November will shed light on the concept of competitiveness and on its nature and dynamics, in order to better understand its philosophical, political, economic or legal impact on contemporary European societies and on their ability to renew themselves.

Are our societies subjected to an irresistible competitiveness imperative inscribed in cultural traits, moral prescriptions, and economic “laws”? Does competitiveness face political, legal, economic, social, and environmental limits? Is modernity relying on competitiveness? Is the Welfare State being replaced by a Competition State?

Bringing together thirty specialists of different countries and disciplinary field, this conference will offer a reflection in four acts on the meaning of the concept of competitiveness within the European Union and on its implications for individuals, states, and Europe.


13h45-14h00   Conférence internationale « L’Europe Compétitive et la transformation de l’État-Providence »

Accueil du public

14h15-14h45   Opening Lecture, by Andrew Gamble, University of Sheffield (UK)

14h45-16h15   Round table The imperative of competitiveness, under the chairmanship of Nikos Scandamis, Honorary Director of the European Commission, Professor emeritus, Athens University

  • Monique Selim, Anthropologist, Emeritus Research Director, Université Paris Diderot (France)

  • Isabelle Bensidoun, Economist, Editor-in-Chief of L’Économie mondiale, CEPII (France)

  • Vera Scepanovic, Max Weber Fellow, PostDoc Researcher, European University Institute (Italie)

  • Dietmar J. Wetzel, Professor of Sociology, University of Hamburg ; co-director of a FNS research project, University of Basel (Germany / Switzerland)

16h15-16h30  Coffee break

16h30-18h00   Round table  The limits of competitiveness, under the chairmwomanship of Susanna Cafaro, Associate Professor in EU Law, University of Salento

  • Mauro Bonaiuti, Professor of Environmental Economics, University of Turin (Italy)

  • John Bunzl, businessman, writer, founder of the Simultaneous Policy (Simpol) Campaign (UK)

  • Michel-Edouard Ruben, Economist, Fondation IDEA (Luxembourg)

  • Franck Debié*, Deputy Head of Cabinet for Innovation, Secretary-General, European Parliament (Belgium)

18h00-18h20   Conclusive discussion, by Serge Allegrezza, Director of STATEC, head of the Observatoire de la compétitivité, Ministry of Economy (Luxembourg)

18h20-19h00   Closing speech, by a special guest*

19h00-20h00   Cocktail


(*) waiting for confirmation


Arendt House\
41A avenue J. F. Kennedy\
L-2082 Luxembourg


The RESuME Research project

The Resources on the European socio-economic model (RESuME) project aims to develop and disseminate an innovative and enriched set of scientific and educational resources and digital tools on the European Union’s socio-economic model.

The project is developed by the University of Luxembourg and coordinated by Frédéric Allemand as principal investigator.

The RESuME project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

To know more, please visit

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